유빙[流氷, pack ice ]의 천사(天使):학명 「크리오네·리마키나」 일본에서 부르는 이름 「하다카카메가이(ハダカカメガイ)」 그리스신화의 크레이오(바다의 요정; 海の妖精)가 어원. 시레토고반도(知床半島)등의 유빙아래에 생식해, 기후가 따뜻해지면 유빙과 함께 자취를 감춘다. 몸길이 : 2~4센치
Clione is a planktonic animal. In the sea and in the aquarium at lower water temperature, Clione usually can be found oriented vertically, with its head up. Clione swims upward or maintains itself at a particular depth by continuous beating of two wings (Arshavsky et al. 1985a,b; Satterlie and Spencer 1985; Satterlie et al. 1985). Any deviation from the vertical orientation evokes a set of corrective motor responses (specific movements of the tail and wings) aimed at restoration of the initial orientation. These reflexes are driven by input from two statocysts. After removal of both statocysts, Clione is not able to maintain any definite orientation and continuously loops in different planes (Panchin et al. 1995a).